Retreat Information Page

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Healing Mastery Retreat

This part of the program is very interactive and experiential. Many exercises and self-discovery is included.

There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter hos abusrd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - Carl G. Jung

The schedule is publisned in the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP.

  • Power Circle and Ritual Opening
  • Regressions for Personal Understanding and Development
  • Mind Reading
  • Oracle and Tarot Reading
  • Personal Astrology Reading
  • Dowsing and Energy work
  • Energy Empowerments and Healing
  • Working with Excesses versus Deficiencies, and Excess with Deficiency with applied color therapies
  • Practice Body, Chakra, and Aura Scanning
  • Additional Detoxification Exercises
  • Psychic Surgery
  • Power Circle and Ritual Closing


Dr. Beverly Lawrence

Dr. Beverly has extensive training and decades of experience in various spiritual and holistic therapeutic fields. She has been training students in the area of meditation, spiritual development, and living holistically for over 30 years.

She is a licensed acupuncturist and was a Teaching Assistant as a Naturopathic Medical School for over 5 years. She has an acupuncture practice in Cottonwood, Arizona and also works online to bring her expertise to many people globally. To learn more about Dr. Beverly please visit her home page at Dr Beverly Home Page

Weekly Podcast & Summits

Beverly hosts a weekly podcast (YouTube, SimpleCast, Spotify, & Apple) every Monday at 11 AM MST. This is sometimes a talk by Dr. Beverly, or it is interviews of other Holistic Professionals & Coaches.

Dr. Beverly has a live weekly meditation on her YouTube channel every Thursday at 5 PM MST-Arizona (no daylight savings in Arizona).

Twice a year Dr. Beverly hosts a Holistic Transformation Summit with other Coaches & Holistic Professionals who talk about their Holistic Transformational journey.